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Wonders of World Engineering

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This page provides a complete table of contents for Wonders of World Engineering. It lists every article in every issue, including the photogravure supplements (when they are separately titled) and colour plates. The number after each entry refers to the part number. Use the hyperlinks to jump to the article. You can also use the Themes tab to identify relevant articles, or use the search box above.

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Machine Tool Development

Machinery of the Cotton Mill

Machinery of the Saw Mill

Magazines by the Million

Magnets, Electric Lifting (colour plate)

Magnets, Electric Lifting

Making Giant Propellers

Making Radio Receivers

Malayan Tin Mines

Mammoths of American Railroads

Manchester, Aqueducts to

Manchester Ship Canal

Manufacture of a Rotor Shaft

Manufacture of Cane Sugar

Manufacture of Glass

Manufacture of Pottery

Marconi, Guglielmo

Marine Engines and Steamships

Marsh Buggy

Marvels of the Microphone

Measurement of Noise

Mechanical Hammer, Portable

Mechanical Storage of Power

Menai Bridges

Mercury, Electric Power From

Mersey Tunnel

Mersey Tunnel (colour plate)

Microphone, Marvels of

Military Engineering

Milling of Flour

Mining for China Clay

Mississippi Floods

Mississippi, Harnessing the

Mixed Traffic Locomotive

Models, Engineering

Modern Braking Systems

Modern Coal Mine

Modern Cranes

Modern Cranes (photo supplement)

Modern Engineering Research

Modern Foundation Methods

Modern Shoemaking Methods

Modern Telephone Exchanges

Modern Traffic Control

Mont Cenis Tunnel

Monumental Engineering

Moscow’s Great Cana

Moskva-Volga Canal

Motor Car Making, Romance of

Motor Railcar

Motorways of Germany

Motorways of Germany (photo supplement)

Mount Pilatus Railway

Mount Pilatus Railway (photo supplement)

Movable Bridges

Movable Bridges (colour plate)

Moving Wing Flight

Mundaring Dam, Western Australia

Murdock, William


Nasmyth, James

National Physical Laboratory

National Physical Laboratory (Electrical Research)

New York’s Giant Bridges

New York’s Giant Bridges (photo supplement)

Niagara, Harnessing

Niederfinow Barge Lift

Nile Under Control

Nile Under Control (photo supplement)

Noise, Measuremnt of

North Circular Road


Oakland Bay Bridge

Oil, Story of

Oil Engine Construction

Oil-Engined Ship

Oil Refining in Iran

Oil Route from the East

Origin of the Locomotive

Origin of the Steam Engine

Otira Tunnel


 Palestine’s New Harbours

Pangani River Falls Power Scheme

Parsons, Sir Charles

Pelton Wheel

Pelton Wheel (colour plate)

Peruvian Central Railway

Petrol from Coal

Photo-Cell, Evolution of

Photoelectric Cell

Picture Telegraphy

Pioneering in Alaska and Yukon

Pioneers in Australia

Plano-Milling Machine

Pontine Marshes, Reclaiming the

Portable Mechanical Hammer

Pottery, Manufacture of

Power and the Plough

Power From Scotland’s Lochs

Power, Mechanical Storage of

Power Over the Thames

“Princess Elizabeth” (No. 6201)

Principle of the Gyroscope

Printing, Magazines by the Million

Propellers, Making Giant

Prospecting from the Air


Quarrying for Slate

Quebec Bridge


Radio Receivers, Making

Radio Station at Rugby

Railcar, Motor

Reclamations Bureau of the U.S.

Reclaiming the Pontine Marshes

Reclaiming the Zuider Zee

Reclaiming the Zuider Zee (photo supplement)

Refinement and Efficiency [Cars]

Refrigeration, and Cold Storage

Refuse, Destruction of

Rennie, John

Road Engineering

Road to Hudson Bay

Roller Bearings

Romance of African Copper

Romance of African Copper (photo supplement)

Romance of Motor Car Making

Romance of the Safe Deposit

Rove (Canal) Tunnel

Royal Engineers, Work of

Rugby GPO Radio Station


St Gotthard Tunnel

St Paul’s Cathedral

Safe Deposit, Romance of

 Salvage Engineers at Work

San Francisco's Great Bridges

Sao Paulo Railway

Saw Mill, Machinery of

Scaling the Ramparts of Brazil

Scottish Shale Industry

Sending Pictures by Wire

Sennar Dam -

Sentinels of the Sea

Serro do Mar Hydro-Electric Power Scheme

Servomotor Control

Severn Tunnel

Sewers under London

Shale Industry

Shannon Power Scheme

Shannon Power Scheme (photo supplement)

Shing Mun Dam

Ship Stabilizing Fin

Shoemaking Methods

Silver Mining

Silvertown Way

Silvertown Way (photo supplement)

Simplon Tunnel

Slate, Quarrying

Smeaton, John

Solving the Smoke Problem

Southern Railway Express 4-6-0

Spanning Sydney Harbour

Spanning Sydney Harbour (colour plate)

Spanning the Firth of Forth

Spanning the Firth of Forth (photo supplement)

Standards of Accuracy

State Line Power Station

Statue of Liberty, Building

Steam Coaches, Early

Steam Engine, Origins

Steam Turbine Construction

Steam Turbine Construction (colour plate)

Steel - From Ingot to Plate

Steel - From Ore to Ingot

Steel - From Ore to Ingot (photo supplement)

Steelworks, Fuel for the Modern

Stephenson, George

Stephenson, Robert

Stockholm, Bridges of

Stockholm, Bridges of (photo supplement)

Stone and Steel on Pilatus

Stone and Steel on Pilatus (photo


Story of Gas Production

Story of London’s Docks

Story of London’s Docks (photo supplement)

Story of Oil

Story of the Boiler

Story of the Cinematograph (1)

Story of the Cinematograph (2)

Story of the Diesel Engine

Story of the Tay Bridges

Story of Tyre Production

Stratosphere, Flights in

Streamlined Giant, Canadian (colour plate)

Stuart, Herbert Akroyd

Subterranean London

Sweden’s Canals

Sweden’s Hydro-Electric Schemes

Swedish Turbine-Driven Locomotive

Swimming Pool Machinery

Swing Bridges

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Harbour Bridge (colour plate)


Taming the Euphrates

Tay Bridges

Telegraph Office, Central

Telephone Exchange, Europe’s Highest

Telephone Exchanges

Telephone, International Exchange

Telephone Pioneers in America

Telescopes, Giant

Television, Triumph of

Telford, Thomas

Ten Years of Motor Car Progress  

Tennessee Valley Authority

Tennessee Valley Authority (photo supplement)

Test, Engines Under   

Testing Boiler Installations

Thames, Controlling the

Thames, Controlling the (colour plate)

Thames, Power Over the

Thames Tunnel, First

Through Cliff and Warren

“Thunderbolt” (high-speed car)

Tin Mines of Malaya

Totalisator, Electric

Tower Bridge, Building

Tower Bridge (colour plate)

Tractor, Agicultural

Traffic Lights

Tramway Cars and Trolley Buses

Transcontinental Telephone Line, First

Trans-Siberian Route

Transandine Railway

Transporter Bridges

Trevithick, Richard

Triumph of Speed

Triumph of Television

Triumphs of Canal Building

Triumphs of Canal Building (photo supplement)

Trolley Buses, and Tramway Cars

Tunkhannock Viaduct, Pennsylvania

Tunnelling the Hudson

Tunnels Under Glasgow

Turbine Construction, Steam

Turbine-Driven Locomotive

Turbine Locomotives

Turbine Rotor Shaft, Maufacture of

Tyne Bridge (colour plate)

Tyne, Bridges Across

Tyre Production


Underground Railways, London’s

Unit Construction

Uses of Compressed Air


Vehicles Driven by Gas

Victoria Falls Bridge

Victoria Falls Bridge (photo supplement)


Walkerburn, Hydro-Electric Power

Warren, Through Cliff and

Water for London’s Millions

Water for Western Australia

Water Softeners

Watt, James

Welder, Craft of

White Sea-Baltic Canal

Whitworth, Sir Joseph

Windmills and Their Story

Wing Loading Problems  

Work of Benz and Daimler

World’s Greatest Aqueduct

World’s Greatest Aqueduct (photo supplement)

World’s Highest Buildings

World’s Highest Buildings (photo supplement)

World’s Land Speed Record

World’s Largest Graving Dock

World’s Largest Graving Dock (photo supplement)


X-Rays in Industry


Yarrow Water Tube Boiler

Yukon and Alaska, Pioneering in


Zuider Zee, Reclaiming the

Zuider Zee, Reclaiming the (photo supplement)



Abadan Oil Refinery

Accuracy, Standards of  

Across the Andes

Across the Great Salt Lake

Across the Mississippi

Across the Mississippi (photo supplement)

Aerial Surveys

Africa, Electricity in Heart of

African Power Scheme (Pangani River Falls)

Agricultural Machinery

Agricultural Tractor

Air Conditioning

Aircraft Engine Being Tested (colour plate)

Aircraft Engines

Airship Design and Equipment

Airship Design and Equipment (photo supplement)

Alaska and Yukon, Pioneering in

All-Metal Aircraft Construction

Alpine Tunnels

Aluminium Production

American Transcontinental Telephone

American Railroads, Mammoths of

Amusements and the Engineer

Aqueducts to Manchester

Armstrong, William (Lord)

Artesian Bores in Australia

Artesian Wells

Atlantic Cable, First

Australia, Artesian Bores in

Australian Transcontinental Railway

Autobahns of Germany

Autobahns of Germany (photo supplement)

Automatic Coin Machines


Ball and Roller Bearings

Baltic Canal-White Sea

Bathing Pool, Building a Modern

Battersea Power Station

Benz and Daimler, Work of

Bessemer Converter (colour plate)

Bessemer, Sir Henry

Bicycles, How They are Built

Billingham Refinery

Binding the series

Birchenough Bridge

Birchenough Bridge (photo supplement)

Blue Bird

Boiler Installations, Testing

Boiler, Story of

Boilers in the Making

Boulder Dam

Boulder Dam (photo supplement)

Braking Systems, Modern

Brazil, Hydro-Electric Power in

Brazil, Sao Paulo Railway

Bridges Across the Tyne

Bridges in the Highlands

Bridges, Movable

Bridges, Movable (colour plate)

Bridges of Stockholm

Bridges of Stockholm (photo supplement)

Bridging the St Lawrence

Brindley, James

Britain’s Biggest Ship Canal

Britain’s Electric Power Supplies

Britain’s Streamline Expresses

British Empire's Longest Tunnel

Broadcasting, Hub of British

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

Building a Great Cathedral

Building a Great Cathedral (photo supplement)

Building a Modern Bathing Pool

Building the Boulder Dam

Building the Boulder Dam (photo supplement)

Building the Menai Bridges

Building the Statue of Liberty

Building the Tower Bridge

Building the Tower Bridge (colour plate)

Burrinjuck Dam (colour plate)


Calculating Machines

Canada’s Mineral Wealth

Canada’s Streamlined Engines

Canadian Gold Mine, In a

Canadian Pacific Railway

Canal Building, Triumphs of

Canal Building, Triumphs of (photo supplement)

Canal Through a Mountain

Canals Across Sweden

Cane Sugar, Manufacture of

Canning the Nations’ Food

“Canopus” Flying Boat (colour plate)

Car Designs of the Early 20th Century

Car Development in the 1890s

Cars, Luxury and Light

[Cars] Refinement and Efficiency

[Cars] Ten Years of Motor Car Progress

Cement and Concrete

Central Telegraph Office

Centrifugal Force

China Clay, Mining

Cinematograph, Story of (1)

Cinematograph, Story of (2)

Class 5 Locomotive

Coal, Handling 2,000,000 Tons

Coal Mine, The Modern

Coin Machines, Automatic

Cold Storage and Refrigeration

Colorado Aqueduct

Colorado Aqueduct (photo supplement)

Compressed Air, Uses of

Concrete, and Cement

Concrete Construction

Concrete Mixing Plant (colour plate)

Conquest of the Dead Sea

Conquest of the Desert

Conquest of the Severn

Conquest of the Rockies

Contributors to the series

Control of the Tennessee River

Control of the Tennessee River (photo supplement)

Controlling the Thames

Controlling the Thames (colour plate)

Copper, African, Mining

Copper, African, Mining (photo supplement)

Coral Island Engineering


“Coronation Scot”

“Coronation Scot” Leaving London (colour plate)

Cotton Mill, Machinery of

Crane, The Modern

Crane, The Modern (photo supplement)


Daimler and Benz, Work of

Danish Bridges

Dead Sea, Conquest of

Denny-Brown Ship Stabilizing Fin

Desert Reclamation in the West

Desert Reclamation in the West (photo supplement)

Destruction of Refuse

Diamonds and the Engineer

Diesel Engine, Story of

Dover Harbour, Building

Dredgers at Work

Droitwich Transmitter

Drying Equipment, Grass


Early Car Designs of the 20th Century

Early Steam Coaches

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower (photo supplement)

Eight-Coupled Locomotive

Electric Excavator

Electric Furnaces

Electric Lifting Magnets (colour plate)

Electric Lifting Magnets

Electric Lighting Developments

Electric Motors and Generators

Electric Power, Britain’s

Electric Power From Mercury

Electric Power From Steam

Electric Totalisator

Electric Travelling Crane

Electrical Auxiliaries

Electrical Auxiliaries (photo supplement)

Electrical Research Work

Electricity in the Heart of Africa

Electro-Plating Plant

Embankment, London’s

Emergency Generating Set

Empire Flying Boats

Engineering Models

Engines Under Test

Escalators, and Lifts

Europe’s Highest Telephone Exchange

Europe’s Longest Swing Bridge

Europe’s Longest Swing Bridge (photo supplement)

Evolution of the Aeroplane Engine

Evolution of the Photo-Cell

Explosives and the Engineer


Fight Against Fire

Fight Against Floods

Fighting Famine in India

Fighting the Drought Menace

First Atlantic Cable

First Thames Tunnel

First Transcontinental Telephone Line

Flights in the Stratosphere

Fixed Wing Machines

Flour, Milling of

Flying Boats


Forth Bridge

Forth Bridge (photo supplement)

Foundation Methods

France, Harbour Works

From Cliff Top to Lighthouse (colour plate)

From Timber to Newsprint

Fuel for the Modern Steelworks

Furnaces, Electric


Galloway Power Scheme

Garage Equipment

Gas, Vehicles Driven by

Gas Engine  

Gas Production

Gears and Gear Cutting

Generators, and Electric Motors

George Washington Bridge

George Washington Bridge (colour plate)

Germany’s Overland Canal

Giant Concrete Viaduct

Giant of the Air (colour plate)

Giant of the Ether

Giant Telescopes

Gigantic Hydraulic Press (colour plate)

Glasgow, Tunnels Under

Glass, Maufacture of

Gold Dredger (colour plate)

Gold Dredging Machinery

Gold Mine, In a Canadian

Gold Mining

”Golden Eagle” Locomotive

Golden Gate Bridge

Grain Cargoes

Grain From Overseas (colour plate)

Grass Drying Equipment

Great Danish Bridges

Great Salt Lake, Across the

GWR 4-6-0 Express Engine

Gyroscope, Principle of


Handling 2,000,000 Tons of Coal

Harbour Works in France

Harnessing Light (Photoelectric Cell)

Harnessing Niagara

Harnessing Niagara (photo supplement)

Harnessing the Mississippi

Hastings Bathing Pool

High-Pressure Locomotive

High-Pressure Converters (colour plate)


“Hindenburg” (photo supplement)

Hindiya Barrage

Hollinger Mine

Hong Kong’s Water Supply

How Air is Conditioned

How an Aeroplane Flies

How Bicycles are Built

How Gold is Mined

How Grain Cargoes are Handled

Hub of British Broadcasting

Hudson Bay Railway -19

Hudson River, Tunnel -15

Huey Long Bridge

Huey Long Bridge (photo supplement)

Hydraulic Power, London’s

Hydraulic Press, Gigantic (colour plate)

Hydro-Electric Power in Brazil

Hydroplane Speed Records


In a Canadian Gold Mine

India, Fighting Famine

International Exchange

Iraq Pipe Line


Jungfrau Telephone Exchange


King George V Graving Dock

King George V Graving Dock (photo supplement)

“King George VI” 4-6-0 Engine

Kincardine Swing Bridge

Kincardine Swing Bridge (photo supplement)


Laggan Dam, Building (colour plate)

Lapland’s Arctic Railway

Large Water Tube Boiler (colour plate)

Le Verdon Harbour Works

Lift for 1,000-tons Barges

Lifting Span and Swing Bridges

Lifts and Escalators

Light Cars and Luxury Cars


Little Belt Bridge (colour plate)

Liverpool Cathedral

Liverpool Cathedral (photo supplement)

LMS Pacific Express Locomotive

LNER Streamlined Locomotive

Loading Ships in the Pacific

Loch Laggan Power Scheme

Locomotive, Origin of

London Loop Road

London’s Dockland Highway

London’s Dockland Highway (photo supplement)

London’s Docks

London’s Docks (photo supplement)

London’s Hydraulic Power

London’s Riverside Highways

London Tube Extension

London’s Underground Railways

“Lord Howe” 4-6-0 Express

“Lord President” - 2-8-2 Locomotive

Lotschberg Tunnel

Luxury Cars and Light Cars