The cover of this week’s part shows the locomotive coaling plant at Doncaster, Yorkshire, one of the main locomotive centres of the London and North Eastern Railway. A truckload of coal is seen being raised to the top of the chute down which the coal is discharged into the tender of the locomotive below.
BUILDING OUT THE SUPERSTRUCTURE from the main river piers. The steelwork was built out in either direction from the pier. The work proceeded in such a manner that the weights on either end were balanced over the pier and the bent of the falsework shown on the right side of the concrete pier shaft.
The Huey Long Bridge 2
A CONCRETE CAISSON for the foundations of one of the main river piers of the Huey Long Bridge. Dredging operations are under way. Sand is being removed from inside the fifteen dredging wells of the caisson and the caisson settles gradually as the dredging progresses. The lower edge of the caisson was sunk to 170 feet below the low-water level of the river.
The Huey Long Bridge 3
THE RAILWAY DECK of the Huey Long Bridge, seen through the main cantilever structure. The handrails of the upstream and down-stream roadways can be seen outside the truss members. These roadways are supported on brackets cantilevered out from the main members of the span.